Friday, May 30, 2008

I am a walking pharmacy... heard it right. That is what I am. I spent about 2 hours in the car, 1 hour in the doctor's sitting room, 30 minutes in the patient's room, 20 minutes consulting with the doctor, and voila, I have 4 prescriptions, 3 samples, and a pending appointment with a allergy specialist.

Oi...I feel like such a pill-popper.

I have been nursing a sinus headache for 4 days in a row. I go to sleep with a headache. I wake up the next day with one too. My teeth feel sore from the pressure. So I finally gave up on the allergy medication prescribed to me last month, and went to see my doctor again...and I hate going to the doctor. The only place I hate more is the dentist.

Anyway, my doctor tells me I have yet again another sinus infection. Whoo hoo...big surprise. Please...tell me something I don't already know. She prescribes me...for the 4th time...a nasal spray I have already tried and does not work. I told her the last spray worked but had the unfortunate side effect of irritating my throat and making me sound like I smoked for 30 years. A raspy voice might be sexy for some people, but I prefer to speak without feeling like I swallowed sandpaper.

She also ran through a list of ineffective antihistamines for my allergy symptoms. Finally settled on giving me a prescription that's stronger, but will probably knock me out standing up. Hmm...take 3 tablets a day...but not while functioning apparently. Good stuff.

Don't forget a prescription for over-the-counter Sudafed for the congestion... and the antibiotics (that NEVER work) for the sinus infection...add in the antibiotic samples... and since nothing really works, maybe I will need to see an allergy specialist so why don't we book an appointment for that...

Sigh...why do I feel worse than when I went in?

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