Monday, September 17, 2007

New Hockey Season, New Fashion Statement...

Yesssssss...another hockey season *fist pump*. I'm so excited, I can barely contain myself. I might even go out and buy myself a brand new Edmonton Oiler jersey. I haven't gotten once since the 3rd logo was unveiled back in 2001.

'Lo and behold, it seems to be good timing on my part. The Oilers just officially released the brand spanking new Reebok jerseys at the annual Joey Moss
Cup on Sunday, September 16th.

Barely a day old, and the complaint fest has already begun as Oiler fans from all over the place, traditionalist or not, are finding things not to like about the new attire our boys in blue will have to wear.

"It's too simple."

"They should have updated and used the 3rd logo as the main logo."

"There's not enough orange."

"They should have gone vintage. It would have been cooler with laces"

"It looks too much like the practice jersey."

Blah blah blah. Man, people, you just can't please anybody these days. I do have to admit...the new jerseys look a LOT like the Platinum practice jerseys. I don't really understand how people can say what a practice jersey should look like to begin with.

I'm actually a big fan of the practice jerseys, but that's just me, and I'm finding out that I'm definitely NOT in the majority. I happen to think the the traditional Edmonton Oiler logo is the best looking in the entire league and simply is best, so I'm more than happy we're sticking with the original rather than the 3rd logo (which I don't mind, but do not favor over the old).

Either way...I think the new jerseys look pretty sharp on the guys when they hit the ice. If you want to check out them out in action - the Oilers put up an awesome photo gallery of the Joey Moss Cup. VIEW GALLERY HERE

There is one major beef I have, however, with the NHL merchandising world. Please explain to me...why did you make a PINK women's jersey, and not a true Oiler colour one? Why is it, just because I'm a girl, I have to wear pink?

Hey, if you love pink, all the power to you, but who do I have to kill in order to get a women's Oiler's jersey...that LOOKS like an Oiler's jersey, logo and all, and isn't so huge that I look either as shapely has a tree trunk, or like I'm 9 months pregnant?

Oh wait...they DID make those jerseys...for like HALF a season and then replaced them with pink.

Another book read...

The Golden Compass
By Phillip Pullman

I'm a little ashamed to say that I've had the His Dark Materials trilogy sitting on my bookshelves for approximately 6 years. Yes...another youth book that's designed to capture the imagination of the younger generation. Another fantastical adventure into another parallel universe, where things are not quite real, or quite made up.

I found that I throughly enjoyed it. I had a friend tell me that she didn't like the chauvinistic tendencies within the story. I probably wouldn't have noticed it as much, if she hadn't already told me about it in the first place. Perhaps I'm not critical enough of the books I read, but then I was overcritical, I'd probably spend too much of my life resenting the time wasted reading the sheer amount of garbage I've come across.

Yes...there are
chauvinistic tendencies within The Golden Compass but I've accepted it as part of the world Pullman has created. I like the fact that Lyra, a girl barely fit to be tolerated in a man's scholarly world, is a plucky, obnoxious, rude, intelligent, social misfit who's destiny is to destroy destiny, and who's one talent is to different from everyone else without trying to be different.

I went to the movie theaters a couple weeks ago to watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
. In the previews, they had the up and coming movie version of The Golden Compass. After reading the first book of this series, I'm half dreading, half anticipating this movie. I dread that it will become another fiasco like Eragon. I'm hopefully anticipating a more successful movie endeavor along the lines of Harry Potter, but maybe I'm hoping for too much?

Either way, I've enjoyed the
The Golden Compass to continue the journey on with The Subtle Knife. Hopefully the ride won't disappoint.

1 comment:

amelia said...

Hey - I just ran across your post on Google...actually, because I, too, was looking for a women's Oilers jersey NOT in pink.

I don't know if you've seen these yet, but I think I may have found something you would like:

Good luck, and Go Oilers!